Page 114 - 20211214_OHKF_Health_Finance_Research_Report_E (1)
P. 114

Table 4.1
                 Affiliations of institutional stakeholders engaged in this research, 2020

                 Key stakeholders  ASIA INSURANCE
                                  AXA HONG KONG AND MACAU
                                  CUHK MEDICAL CENTRE LIMITED
                                  HEALTH IN ACTION
                                  HONG KONG ACADEMY OF MEDICINE
                                  HONG KONG COLLEGE OF FAMILY PHYSICIANS
                                  HOSPITAL AUTHORITY
                                  KWAI TSING DISTRICT HEALTH CENTRE
                                  LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL OF THE HKSAR
                                  THE CHINESE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG
                                  THE HONG KONG ACADEMY OF NURSING LIMITED
                                  THE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG

            4.1.2  INSIGHTS BY THEME

               Table 4.2

                 Themes extracted from the key stakeholder interviews

                                  Theme 1. Reviewing health system fragmentation
                 Subtheme 1.1  Our public healthcare system is overburdened.
                 Subtheme 1.2  The role of the private sector is yet to be fully leveraged.
                 Subtheme 1.3  There is a need for means to bridge the fragmentation in Hong Kong’s
                               health system.
                                 Theme 2. Propelling primary healthcare development
                 Subtheme 2.1   Developing primary healthcare is important in alleviating our overburdened
                               health system.

                 Subtheme 2.2  The Government has a key role in further advancing primary healthcare
                 Subtheme 2.3  A multi-pronged approach to advance primary healthcare development is
                               Theme 3. Improving existing health financing mechanisms
                 Subtheme 3.1  The way our health system is financed needs to be better organised to alleviate
                               burden on the public sector and maximise health system performance.
                 Subtheme 3.2  The opaque pricing of private healthcare services is a challenge to improving
                               health financing mechanisms.
                 Subtheme 3.3  Strategies to improve mechanisms within existing health financing system
                           Theme 4. Investing in strategic purchasing as a health financing lever
                 Subtheme 4.1  Successful strategic purchasing requires comprehensive policy and regulation.
                 Subtheme 4.2   Planning, engagement, and well-planned logistics are keys to success.
                 Subtheme 4.3  Potential limitations of Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) should be addressed.
                    Theme 5. Meticulous planning is necessary for effective implementation of the Scheme
                 Subtheme 5.1  A long-term vision is needed for the design of vouchers as a health financing tool. 
                 Subtheme 5.2  A chronic disease screening voucher will be useful for promoting primary

                 Subtheme 5.3   Management plans after screening need to be well-designed to achieve a
                               desirable impact. 
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