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HKDR           Hong Kong Diabetes Register
                 HPS            Health Protection Scheme
                 HRP            High-Risk Pool
                 HWB            Health and Welfare Bureau of the HKSAR Government
                 HWFB           Health, Welfare and Food Bureau of the HKSAR Government
                 IDF            International Diabetes Federation
                 JADE           Joint Asia Diabetes Evaluation
                 MBS            Medicare Benefits Scheme
                 MCH            Maternal and Child Health
                 MCHK           The Medical Council of Hong Kong
                 MMDHI          Median Monthly Domestic Household Income
                 NCD            Non-Communicable Disease
                 NGO            Non-governmental Organisations
                 NHS            National Health Service

                 OECD           The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
                 OOP            Out-of-Pocket, alternatively Out-of-Pocket Payments
                 PBF            Performance-based Financing
                 PCN            Primary Care Networks
                 PFP            Pay-for-Performance
                 PHC            Primary Healthcare
                 PHO            Primary Healthcare Office, Food and Health Bureau
                 PICO           Policy Innovation and Co-ordination Office of the HKSAR Government
                 PPP            Public-Private Partnership
                 RAMP           Risk Assessment and Management Programme
                 RAMP-DM        Risk Assessment and Management Programme for Diabetes Mellitus
                 RCHE           Residential Care Home for the Elderly
                 SHA            System of Health Accounts

                 SHI            Social Health Insurance
                 SOPC           Specialist Out-patient Clinics
                 SWD            Social Welfare Department of the HKSAR Government
                 UCS            Universal Coverage Scheme
                 UHC            Universal Health Coverage
                 UN             The United Nations
                 USD            United States Dollar
                 WHO            The World Health Organization
                 WTP            Willingness-to-Pay
                 VHIS           Voluntary Health Insurance Scheme
                 VSS            Vaccination Subsidy Scheme

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