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Table 2.2
                                  The United Kingdom and Canada comparison

                                  Country     Key Features of Health   Strategic Purchasing Policies & Frameworks
                                                Financing System

                                  United       How is the healthcare   UK NHS Diabetes Screening (The NHS Diabetes
                                  Kingdom      system financed?  Prevention Programme (DPP) proposed and currently
                                                                 piloting 2015 onwards). One of the largest diabetes
                                               Mostly financed   screening programmes in the world considering the
                                               through taxation  United Kingdom’s population is >67 millions.

                                               NHS funding:      • Who is the purchaser?
                                               85% from general
                                               government revenues;   NHS England; Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs)
                                               12% national health   from local sites.
                                               premium tax; 3% from   • What to purchase?
                                                                 Behavioural intervention, i.e., dietary and physical activity
                                               Government pays for   recommendations, to prevent diabetes among high risk
                                               services, employs   population.
                                               doctors, and runs
                                               hospitals.        • From whom to purchase?
                                               Supplemental private   Behavioural change provider organisations procured by
                                               insurance is rare.  NHS England.
                                                                 • How to purchase?
                                                                 Financial incentives were offered to GP practices to recruit
                                                                 patients. The incentives were paid either by capitation
                                                                 payment, fee-for-service payment, or pay-for-performance
                                  Canada       How is the healthcare   Public Health Agency of Canada’s (PHAC) Centre for
                                               system financed?  Chronic Disease Prevention (CCDP) launched a
                                                                 multi-sectoral partnership to Promote Healthy Living and
                                               The public financing of  Prevent Chronic Disease Initiative in 2013.
                                               healthcare is funded
                                               by taxation.      • Who is the purchaser?
                                                                 The Canadian government.
                                               The public sector in
                                               Canada is responsible   • What to purchase?
                                               for about 70% of total
                                               health expenditures.  Evidence-informed interventions that address common
                                                                 risk factors for chronic disease.

                                                                 • From whom to purchase?
                                                                 Both public and private organisations.

                                                                 • How to purchase?
                                                                 Pay-for-performance model has been implemented to
                                                                 improve programme accountability: payments are made
                                                                 when project milestones are reached. Performance are
                                                                 evaluated based on project outputs, such as visiting
                                                                 agreed number of locations, completing evaluation
                                                                 requirements (e.g., submitting all baseline data) or
                                                                 developing project resources.

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