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Singapore:    The Singapore General   Hospital (SGH) Delivering   on Target (DOT)   Programme  Clinically stable patients from   the SGH Diabetes Centre.  Not clear  The DOT GP will develop a   one-year patient   management plan and send   updates on the patient’s   health to the referring   specialist for shared care   follow-up.  Private GPs that enrolled in   the DOT programme

                       Malaysia:   PeKA B40 Scheme   Low income residents aged   50+ and above  Not clear  The health screening services   and medical equipment   covered by the programme   are clearly defined.  Almost 3,000 private clinics   registered with PeKa B40 to   provide subsidised health   screening.

                         Medicare Chronic Disease   Management programme  Patient diagnosed with a   chronic or complex medical   condition present for at least   six months and have a GP   Management Plan or a Team   Care Arrangement (TCA) in   The benefit package is not   clearly defined, it is only   mentioned that each patient   can make five consultations   per year to the allied health   providers, like diabetes   Patients can make choice   between various accredite

                       Australia:             place   Not clear       educators.

                       The United States:    Medicaid Incentives for   Prevention of Chronic   Diseases (MIPCD)  Patients recruited from   primary care clinic system   (participating clinics);   low-income; with prediabetes   or a history of gestational   diabetes.  Not clear  The programme is based on   standardised DPP   curriculum, including 16   weekly one-hour sessions of   various activities.   The services are provided by   YMCA and other community   facilities.

                   Assessing global case studies on adherence to strategic purchasing elements

                         Chronic Disease   Management at Community   Health Centres  Population Health  Not clearly defined; Plan to   build health management   record for the patients of   community health centres.   Citizen Empowerment  Government required the   community health centres to   provide at least four   consultations each year and   health guidance. However, the   application of scientific   evidence-based chronic   disease prevention and control   by commun

                       China:                         Not clear

                         Health check-ups to   prevent chronic diseases  For all beneficiaries aged   Government required all   insurers to provide annual   check-up targeting metabolic   syndrome and health   guidance. But the   requirement is quite general,   without specifying the   specific service item.  Dependent on the insurance   that patients are enrolled in;   no requirement by the   Government regarding citizen

                       Japan:        40-74 years.     Not clear                      choice

                         Promote Healthy Living and   Preventing Chronic Disease   Various programmes.   No clear overall definition of   Government calls for various   intervention projects without   clear specifying service   Multiple partnership projects   involving public and private

                       Canada:    Initiative   targeted groups.   Not clear  package.   organisations.

                       The United Kingdom:    The NHS Diabetes Prevention   Programme (DPP)  People with pre-diabetes are  identified through general practice   (GP) patient registers and NHS   Health Checks which are offered  every 5 years for 40-74 years old.   People living in deprived areas   and protected groups – Black,  Asian and Minority Ethnic Groups   (BAME) are particularly targeted.  Not clear  Clearly defined benefit package.   Four behaviour change provider

               Table 2.6  Elements of   strategic   purchasing   Address Population     Health Needs  Assert Citizen’s   Views/Values  Clear Benefit   Package  Increase Citizen   Choice

   61   62   63   64   65   66   67   68   69   70   71