Page 143 - 20211214_OHKF_Health_Finance_Research_Report_E (1)
P. 143
The interviewed key stakeholders agreed that Hong Kong’s health system remains fragmented
and recognised the importance of PHC development for alleviating our currently overburdened
system. Identifying the Government to have a key role in coordinating service providers in the
public and private sectors, stakeholders generally held the view that the private sector could
be better leveraged to achieve overall health system goals. Also in terms of improving the
coordination of service provision, some suggested establishing a Primary Care Authority to
better organise PHC development.
While acknowledging the potential for PPPs as a lever for propelling PHC development,
stakeholders pointed to the need for better planning of such programmes to
improve uptake and sustainability. This includes consideration for overcoming
existing barriers such as untransparent pricing of private healthcare services that requires
putting in place sophisticated regulations to increase price transparency and ensure
consistent service quality. Stakeholders also stressed on the importance of involving
stakeholders from different sectors in programme design and implementation. In particular, in
addition to health service providers, the insurance and pharmaceutical industries should be
engaged, particularly in transforming health financing mechanisms that aim to improve
citizens’ access to health services.
Our proposed Scheme was considered useful in propelling PHC development
in Hong Kong, especially in promoting preventive care, early detection,
and the family doctor concept. Stakeholders raised key implementation
considerations, including the coverage of chronic diseases, the identification of a target
population, and the necessity of follow-up management after screening. They also
highlighted that the successful implementation of the Scheme requires buy-in from private
health service providers and the general public. It is therefore imperative to incentivise both
parties to partake in the Scheme.