Page 240 - 20211214_OHKF_Health_Finance_Research_Report_E (1)
P. 240
【此題只問在職受訪者】 Only for respondents who are current employed
「請問你個人每個月嘅收入大約有幾多呢?」【讀出1-5】 [1]
How much is your monthly salary? [1]
1. 一萬以下 HKD <10,000
2. 一萬至二萬以下 HKD 10,000–19,999
3. 二萬至三萬以下 HKD 20,000–29,999
4. 三萬至六萬以下 HKD 30,000–59,999
5. 六萬或以上 HKD ≥ 60,000
8. 收入不定 Irregular income
9. 拒絕回答 Refuse to answer
「請問你有領取綜緩嗎?」 [1]
Are you a CSSA recipient? [1]
1. 有 Yes
2. 沒有 No
8. 不知道/無意見 Uncertain/No Opinions
9. 拒絕回答 Refuse to Answer
Appendices B, C, D, E, F, G, H, and I can be accessed by scanning the QR code below:
Note: Questions with [1] notation indicate that responses purposefully skipped chronological ordering to indicate variation in
response types.