Page 237 - 20211214_OHKF_Health_Finance_Research_Report_E (1)
P. 237

Q13  「你有冇需要長期服用藥物或定期覆診呢(例如患上高血壓、心臟病、中風、癌症、慢性
                                   Are you on long-term medication or regular consultation schedule (say diagnosed with
                                   high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, cancer, chronic diseases, diabetes)?  [1]

                                         1.  有需要 Yes

                                         2.  冇需要 No

                                         8.  不知道/無意見 Uncertain/No opinions

                                         9.  拒絕回答 Refuse to answer

                             Q14  「過去你較多於公營或是私營醫療機構,作普通科問診?(通常針對偶發症疾病、如傷
                                   Would you visit public or private healthcare institutions for general consultation (usually
                                   to address episodic diseases like cold or flu; excluding prescription without
                                   consultation, nor dental services)?  [1]

                                         1. 公營醫療(包括公立醫院、醫管局普通科或專科門診、衞生署診所等)
                                            Public service providers (including public hospitals, HA’s general or specialist clinics,
                                           DH clinics, etc.)

                                         2. 私營醫療(包括私家醫生、私家醫院等)
                                            Private service providers (including private clinics or hospitals)

                                         3.  兩者相約 Similar frequency to both of the above
                                         8.  不知道/無意見 Uncertain/No Opinions

                                         9.  拒絕回答 Refuse to answer

                             Q15  「你的直屬家庭成員(父母,兄弟姊妹,子女)患有高血壓、心臟病、中風、或糖尿病?
                                   Is any of your immediate family members (parents, siblings, children) diagnosed with
                                   high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, or diabetes?  [1]

                                         1.  有 Yes

                                         2.  沒有 No
                                         8.  不知道/無意見 Uncertain/No opinions

                                         9.  拒絕回答 Refuse to answer

                             Note: Questions with [1] notation indicate that responses purposefully skipped chronological ordering to indicate variation in
                                 response types.

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