Page 236 - 20211214_OHKF_Health_Finance_Research_Report_E (1)
P. 236
Q12 「你認為以下邊方面係你唔願意就高血壓、心臟病、中風、或糖尿病的慢性疾病定期覆
Amongst the followings, what are the primary and secondary reasons of your
reluctance to seek regular consultation to manage high blood pressure, heart disease,
stroke, or diabetes? [1]
1. 自行管理身體已足夠【跳問Q13】
It’s sufficient to do self-management [Jump to Q13]
2. 自身太忙【跳問Q13】 Too busy [Jump to Q13]
3. 不知道該去哪兒覆診【跳問Q13】 Uncertain of where to seek regular consultation
[Jump to Q13]
4. 財政考慮【追問Q12b】 Financial concerns [Follow up on Q12b]
5. 唔想定期見醫生【跳問Q13】 Unwilling to see doctors regularly [Jump to Q13]
7. 其他(請註明)【跳問Q13】 Others [Jump to Q13]
8. 唔知道/好難講【跳問Q13】 Uncertain/Hard to say [Jump to Q13]
9. 拒絕回答【跳問Q13】 Refuse to answer [Jump to Q13]
Q12b 「管理慢性疾病的定期覆診之市場參考價格約為數百元不等。若高血壓、高血脂和高血
糖的情況穩定,一年約需覆診4至10次 。你認為政府最少對每一次覆診要提供幾多財政
The private market price of each consultation to manage chronic diseases is around a
few hundred dollars. Around 4 to 10 consultations are needed every year for stable
conditions of high blood pressure, high blood lipid and high blood sugar. In your
opinion, what is the minimum amount of subsidy offered by the Government to
motivate you to seek care from private service providers? [1]
1. 1–50港元【跳問Q13】 HKD 1–50 [Jump to Q13]
2. 51–100港元【跳問Q13】 HKD 51–100 [Jump to Q13]
3. 101–200港元【跳問Q13】 HKD101–200 [Jump to Q13]
4. 201–500港元【跳問Q13】 HKD 201–500 [Jump to Q13]
5. 501港元以上【跳問Q13】 HKD 501 or above [Jump to Q13]
6. 無論多少亦不會覆診【跳問Q13】
Won’t have regular visits regardless of the amount [Jump to Q13]
8. 唔知道/無意見【跳問Q13】 Uncertain/No Opinions [Jump to Q13]
9. 拒絕回答【跳問Q13】 Refuse to answer [Jump to Q13]
Note: Questions with [1] notation indicate that responses purposefully skipped chronological ordering to indicate variation in
response types.