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Since early 2020, the Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has imposed
                             unprecedented pressure on our public healthcare system. The HA suspended elective and
                             non-essential services to make way for pandemic management and other urgent clinical
                             services. To cover delayed treatments, the HA worked closely with the private healthcare
                             sector to implement extended PPP programmes that involve diverting patients from public
                             hospitals to private hospitals for treatments at current fees charged by public hospitals. This
                             expansion applied to both existing PPP programmes and new service areas deemed
                             necessary (Table 3.4).

                                Table 3.4

                                  Expanded and New PPP programmes launched during the COVID-19

                                  PPP                                               Planned Provisions, 2020–21
                                  Colon PPP Surge Special                               3,200 colonoscopies
                                  Neonatal Phototherapy Service (NNJ)                      160 patients

                                  Radiation Therapy Service (RT)                           105 patients
                                  Cesarean Section Service (CS)                             52 patients
                                  Trauma Operative Service Collaboration Programme (Trauma   173 patients

                                  Breast Cancer Operative Service Collaboration Programme   140 patients
                                  (Breast Cancer Surgery Collaboration)
                                  Cystoscopy Collaboration Programme (Cystoscopy           724 patients

                                  Oesophago-Gastro-Duodenoscopy Collaboration Programme   2,800 patients
                                  (OGD Collaboration)
                             Source: Legislative Council of the HKSAR, 2021

                             After the positive experience of launching pandemic-specific PPPs, the HA has reinforced
                             PPPs through incorporating this direction in its Framework of Annual Plan 2021–22 as a
                             strategy for optimising demand management (Table 3.5). The new service target of all
                             existing PPP programmes has increased from past years’ provision, rendering PPPs as an
                             important mechanism to be considered for long term development and sustainability of Hong
                             Kong’s health system.

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