Page 208 - 20211214_OHKF_Health_Finance_Research_Report_E (1)
P. 208

3    Among patients who have been diagnosed with HDH, we recommend the use of
                 the RAMP risk-level assessment so that a personalised care plan can be
                 formulated and the purchaser may determine the care subsidisation for conditions
                 co-morbid with HDH.

                 3.1  Patients diagnosed with HDH should be further assessed for risk of
                     future complications and worsening of their condition within the private

                     3.1.1 Patients with low- to medium-risk of future complications should
                          continue to receive monitoring and disease management services
                          in the private sector with the same family doctor who conducted their

                     3.1.2 Patients with high- to very high-risk of future complications should
                          similarly be monitored in the private sector with the same family
                          doctor who conducted their screening and transferred to public sector
                          hospitals should clinical management be problematic and
                          complications arise requiring specialist referrals and/or immediate
                          inpatient care. Such an arrangement may contribute to a stronger
                          risk-sharing incentive for private sector doctors to participate in the Scheme.

                     3.1.3 Patients with conditions co-morbid with hypertension, DM, and
                          hyperlipidaemia should additionally receive follow-up care for their
                          comorbidities with the private sector doctor who is providing
                          management for their HDH. Within our economic projections in
                          Chapter 4.3, we accounted for the cost of co-morbid complications under
                          the context of fully subsidising all services pertinent to managing the health
                          and well-being of diagnosed patients, and still found cost-saving impacts of
                          the Scheme, suggesting that allocating funds to cover co-morbid conditions
                          will be cost-efficient. Furthermore, learning lessons from existing PPPs such
                          as the GOPC-PPP, the Government should consider that the scope of drugs
                          issued by Hospital Authority (HA) include conditions co-morbid with HDH.

            4    There will potentially be patients who do not screen positive for HDH
                 but are considered by the primary care provider to necessitate
                 follow-up care for other health conditions. The Government should have in
                 place a clinical protocol to cater for the needs of these individuals, such as arranging for
                 referral to existing care programmes relevant to their conditions.

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