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Figure 5.4
                                  Patient service flow in the Scheme with reference to the Primary
                                  Healthcare Office “Hong Kong Reference Framework for Diabetes Care
                                  for Adults in Primary Care Settings”

                                                                 Chronic Disease Screening
                                                                  Voucher and Management
                                                                    Scheme (CDSVMS)

                                                   All individuals aged 45–54
                                                   undergo HDH screening in
                                                    the private sector with a
                                                     Government voucher
                                                      covering the cost of

                                                      Individuals receive a         Individuals are not
                                                       diagnosis of HDH            diagnosed with HDH

                                                   Individuals are entered into    Patients will return to
                                                     a RAMP programme for         the private sector for an
                                                         management              annual HDH rescreening

                                                                                   Patients will receive
                                        Individuals will be                     a subsidy for follow-up with
                                     categorised by their risk                    their family doctor for
                                      level for complication                        management for
                                     development, which will                        preventing HDH
                                   determine their management
                                     protocol with their doctor

                                                    Patients engage in regular
                                                   consultations and follow-up
                                                     appointments with their
                                                         family doctor

                                                                                  Patients will receive an
                                      If patients’ conditions                   annual subsidy (matching the
                                       worsen and require                       GOPC-PPP subsidy value) to
                                   in-patient hospital care, they               purchase additional services
                                     will be referred back to a                     for management of
                                      public-sector hospital.                        their condition
                                    Upon exit, they will resume
                                   care with their family doctor.

                                                                               Management includes courses
                                                                                 and guidance on healthier
                                                                                    lifestyle habits and
                                                                                 personalised advice on the
                                                                                  prevention of diabetes

                             Source: PHO, 2018

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