Page 177 - 20211214_OHKF_Health_Finance_Research_Report_E (1)
P. 177

Box 4.8

                                    Definitions of terms

                                    Progression: describes the development of the disease towards
                                    worsening conditions (e.g., from “healthy” to prediabetes, to diabetes)

                                    Regression: describes the reversal of the disease development from
                                    having prediabetes towards normoglycaemia (e.g., from prediabetes to

                                    Remission: describes the reversal of the disease development from
                                    diabetes to prediabetes

                                    Diagnostic state: each diagnosable state of disease (e.g., “healthy”/
                                    no diabetes, prediabetes, diabetes)

                                Table 4.9

                                  Summary of modelling differences between the three scenarios
                                                   Base Scenario          Scenario 1          Scenario 2

                                  Progression   Individuals may      Individuals may      Individuals may
                                  of disease    progress from being   progress from being   progress from being
                                                healthy, towards     healthy, towards     healthy, towards
                                                prediabetes, towards   prediabetes,       prediabetes, towards
                                                DM with no           towards DM with no   DM with no
                                                complications, towards   complications, towards   complications, towards
                                                DM with complications   DM with complications  DM with complications
                                  Progression   Based on progression   Based on progression   Based on progression
                                  rate          of disease without   of disease with      of disease with
                                                intervention         intervention         intervention

                                  Remission     Individuals may regress   Individuals may remit   Individuals may remit
                                  towards       from prediabetes to   from DM towards     from DM toward
                                  health        normoglycaemia       prediabetes, and     prediabetes, and
                                                (healthy, without DM)  subsequently regress   subsequently regress
                                                                     from prediabetes to   from prediabetes to
                                                                     normoglycaemia       normoglycaemia
                                  Mortality rates  Mortality accounts for   Mortality accounts for   Mortality accounts for
                                                all-cause mortality,   all-cause mortality,   all-cause mortality,
                                                DM-related deaths, and   DM-related deaths, and   DM-related deaths, and
                                                prediabetes-related   prediabetes-related   prediabetes-related
                                                deaths               deaths               deaths
                                                                                          Mortality due to DM is
                                                                                          based on RAMP figures
                                  Complications   Costs determined   Costs determined     Costs determined
                                  costs         based on years of    based on years of    based on years of
                                                DM history           DM history           DM history and
                                                                                          RAMP-adjusted costs

                                  Additional                         Additional subsidy cost   Additional subsidy cost
                                  costs                              for management       for management
                                                                     services             services

                             Additional information on the three Scenarios can be found in Appendix O.

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