Page 228 - 20211214_OHKF_Health_Finance_Research_Report_E (1)
P. 228

            Session 1: About utilisation habits on health checking services

            Q1  「你同意接受健康檢查有助及早發現慢性疾病,令病情盡早受到控制嗎? 係非常同意、
                  Do you agree that health checks will help early identification of chronic diseases, and
                  hence the disease progression could be under control earlier?  [1]
                  (Definition of chronic diseases: also known as “long-term diseases” or
                  “non-communicable diseases”. Disease progression will last for a longer time frame in
                  a slower manner. Most common ones among which are High Blood Pressure, High
                  Cholesterol, Diabetes, Heart Diseases, Cancer, Stroke & Osteoarthritis.)

                        1.  十分同意 Strongly Agree

                        2.  同意 Agree
                        3.  不同意 Disagree

                        4.  非常不同意 Strongly Disagree

                        8.  不知道/無意見 Uncertain/No Opinions

                        9.  拒絕回答 Refuse to Answer

            Q2  「你有無定期進行以下健康檢查?係半年、一年、兩年、三年一次、不定時、定係無?」
                  Have you regularly completed the following health checks? Half a year, annually,
                  biennially, triennially, irregularly or none?  [1]

                    i.  血壓檢查(N=1000)           1     2     3     4     5     6     8     9
                      Blood Pressure Check
                    ii.  血糖檢查 (N=1000)
                      Blood Glucose Check      1     2     3     4     5     6     8     9
                    iii.  血脂檢查 (N=1000)
                      Blood Lipid Check        1     2     3     4     5     6     8     9

                  1.  半年           3.  兩年           5.  不定時          8.  不知道/無意見
                     Half a year      Biennially       Irregularly      Uncertain/No Opinions
                  2.  一年           4.  三年           6.  沒有           9.  拒絕回答
                     Annually         Triennially      None             Refuse to Answer

                  i. – iii 任何一項有回答(5)不定時或(6)沒有 【追問Q2b】
                  If any of the answers is 5 or 6 [Follow up on Q2b]
                  其餘【跳問Q3】        Others [Jump to Q3]
                  8. 不知道/無意見 【跳問Q6a】Uncertain/No Opinions [Jump to Q6a]
                  9. 拒絕回答 【跳問Q6a】Refuse to Answer [Jump to Q6a]

            Note: Questions with [1] notation indicate that responses purposefully skipped chronological ordering to indicate variation in
                response types.

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