Page 233 - 20211214_OHKF_Health_Finance_Research_Report_E (1)
P. 233
Q8c 「你認為以下邊方面係你唔願意參與此計劃服務嘅主要原因呢?其次呢?」
Amongst the followings, what are your primary and secondary reasons of your
reluctance to participate in this scheme? [Jump to Q13]
1. 自身沒有需要 Unnecessary or non-urgent need of health checks
2. 認為血壓、血糖和血脂檢查沒有作用
Checks on blood pressure, blood glucose and blood lipid are useless
3. 對私營服務提供者質素有疑慮
Concerns on private service providers
4. 已有參類似檢查血壓、血糖和血脂
Already participated in similar checks on blood pressure/sugar/lipid
5. 擔心篩查後或帶來的有關疾病管理
Worried of the disease management potentially brought by screening
6. 檢查方法(如:抽血)會令你感到害怕
Scared of the way of screening (e.g., blood taking)
7. 其他(請註明) Others
8. 唔知道/好難講 Uncertain/Hard to say
9. 拒絕回答 Refuse to answer
Q8d 「你認為以下邊方面係你決定會唔會參與此計劃服務嘅主要原因呢?其次呢?」
【跳問Q10a】 [1]
Amongst the followings, what are your primary and secondary reasons to participate
in this scheme? [Jump to Q10a] [1]
1. 自身身體情況 Physical health
2. 有否空餘時間 Whether one has free time
3. 檢查地點 Locations of the screening
4. 檢查所需時間 Required time of the screening
5. 自身熟悉的醫護人士建議 Recommended by close medical professionals
7. 其他(請註明) Others
8. 唔知道/好難講 Uncertain/No opinions
9. 拒絕回答 Refuse to answer
Note: Questions with [1] notation indicate that responses purposefully skipped chronological ordering to indicate variation in
response types.