Page 231 - 20211214_OHKF_Health_Finance_Research_Report_E (1)
P. 231

Q6b  「過去你較多於公營或是私營醫療機構,為高血壓、心臟病、中風或糖尿病作定期覆
                                   Would you often have your checks on high blood pressure/heart diseases/stroke/
                                   diabetes in public or private institutions (excluding prescription without consultation,
                                   nor dental services)?  [1]

                                         1.  公營醫療機構(包括公立醫院、醫管局門診、衞生署診所等)【跳問Q12a】
                                            Public service providers (including public hospitals, HA’s general or specialist clinics,
                                           DH clinics, etc.) [Jump to Q12a]

                                         2.  私營醫療機構(包括私家醫生、私家醫院等)【跳問Q12a】
                                            Private service providers (including private clinics or hospitals) [Jump to Q12a]

                                         3.  醫管局公私營協作計劃,則由政府資助到私家診所覆診【跳問Q12a】
                                            HA PPPs, namely to visit private clinics which are sponsored by the Government [Jump to

                                         4.  以上皆有 All of the above

                                         5.  沒有定期覆診 Do not have regular visits
                                         7.  其他(請註明) Others

                                         8.  不知道/無意見 Uncertain/No Opinions

                                         9.  拒絕回答 Refuse to answer

                             Q7  「你知道高血壓、高血糖同高血脂會有更大傾向患上以下邊啲健康問題呢? 可選多於
                                   Do you know what health issues of the followings will high blood pressure/sugar/lipid
                                   more likely to have? Accept multiple selections

                                     i.  高血壓              1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9
                                        High blood pressure

                                     ii.  高血糖             1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9
                                        High blood sugar
                                     iii.  高血脂            1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9
                                        High blood lipid

                                   1.  冠心病(亦則冠狀動脈閉塞引起的心臟病)                       6.  以上皆是
                                      Heart diseases                                All of the above
                                   2.  中風(腦部血管「阻塞」或「爆裂」,令腦組織不能得到                 7.  以上皆不是
                                     充份的養料和氧氣而壞死)                                   None of the above
                                                                                 8.  不知道/無意見
                                   3.  視網膜病變,會影響視力                                  Uncertain/No opinions
                                                                                 9.  拒絕回答
                                   4.  神經病變(神經系統疾病,會出現感覺、如對痛覺及                      Refuse to answer
                                   5.  腎病變, (使腎臟功能損傷)

                             Note: Questions with [1] notation indicate that responses purposefully skipped chronological ordering to indicate variation in
                                 response types.

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