Page 229 - 20211214_OHKF_Health_Finance_Research_Report_E (1)
P. 229
Q2b 「你認為以下邊方面係你無定時檢查血壓/血糖/血脂嘅主要原因呢? 其次呢?」
【讀出1-6】 【跳問Q6a】
Amongst the followings, what are your primary and secondary reasons for not
checking your blood pressure, blood sugar, blood lipid regularly? [Jump to Q6a]
1. 自身沒有需要或不逼切
Unnecessary or non-urgent need of health checks
2. 認為血壓、血糖和血脂檢查沒有作用
Checks on blood pressure, blood glucose and blood lipid are useless
3. 自身太忙 Too busy
4. 財政考慮 Financial concerns
5. 擔心篩查後或帶來的有關疾病管理
Worried of the disease management potentially brought by screening
6. 唔知邊度有得做檢查 Uncertain of where one can receive health checks
7. 其他(請註明) Others
8. 唔知道/好難講 Uncertain/Hard to say
9. 拒絕回答 Refuse to answer
Q3 「過去一年,你較多於公營或是私營醫療機構進行血糖、血脂或血壓的檢查?
In the past year, did you have your checks on blood sugar/lipid/pressure more
frequently in public or private institutions? [1]
1. 公營醫療(包括公立醫院、醫管局普通科或專科門診、衞生署診所等)
Public service providers (including public hospitals, HA’s general or specialist clinics,
DH clinics, etc)
2. 私營醫療(包括私家診所、醫院或保險等)
Private service providers (including private clinics, hospitals or insurance providers)
3. 兩者都有 Both
8. 不知道/無意見 Uncertain/No Opinions
9. 拒絕回答 Refuse to answer
Note: Questions with [1] notation indicate that responses purposefully skipped chronological ordering to indicate variation in
response types.