Page 234 - 20211214_OHKF_Health_Finance_Research_Report_E (1)
P. 234

            Q9  「衞生署建議成年人每一至兩年量度血壓 、血糖和血脂。在虛擬醫療券計劃下,你又願
                  The Department of Health suggested adults to check blood pressure, sugar and lipid
                  every 1 or 2 years. Under this proposal of healthcare voucher scheme, how frequently
                  are you willing to take these health checks?  [1]

                        1.  半年一次 Half a year

                        2.  一至兩年一次 Once every 1 or 2 years

                        3.  三年或以上 Triennially
                        4.  不定期 Irregularly

                        5.  跟從自身熟悉的醫護人員建議 Follow recommendations of close medical professionals

                        7.  其他(請註明) Others

                        8.  唔知道/無意見 Uncertain/No Opinions
                        9.  拒絕回答 Refuse to Answer

            Q10a 「如果進行檢查後確診高血壓、心臟病、中風、或糖尿病,你會較傾向喺邊度作定期覆
                  If you are diagnosed with high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke or diabetes after
                  the screening, where do you tend to seek regular visits for diseases management?  [1]

                        1.  公營醫療機構(包括公立醫院、醫管局門診、衞生署診所等)【跳問Q11a】
                           Public service providers (including public hospitals, HA’s general or specialist clinics,
                          DHclinics, etc)
                          [Jump to Q11a]

                        2.  私營醫療機構(包括私家醫生、私家醫院等)【跳問Q11a】
                           Private service providers (including private clinics, hospitals or insurance providers)
                          [Jump to Q11a]

                        3.  無所謂 【跳問Q11a】 Both [Jump to Q11a]

                        4.  不會刻意覆診【跳問Q12】 Won’t have regular visits [Jump to Q12]

                        7.  其他(請註明)【跳問Q11a】 Others [Jump to Q11a]

                        8.  不知道/無意見【跳問Q11a】 Uncertain/No Opinions [Jump to Q11a]
                        9.  拒絕回答【跳問Q11a】 Refuse to answer [Jump to Q11a]

            Note: Questions with [1] notation indicate that responses purposefully skipped chronological ordering to indicate variation in
                response types.

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