Page 187 - 20211214_OHKF_Health_Finance_Research_Report_E (1)
P. 187

iii. Scenario Analyses

                             To better assess and understand the possible range in which parameter values may vary
                             from those used within the model in order to achieve cost-savings and prevent premature
                             mortalities, we conducted various scenario analyses on drivers of the model. The findings are
                             summarised in the table below and in Appendix R.

                                Table 4.19

                                  Scenario analysis findings
                                  Parameter of               Analysis results           Implications on policy
                                  Remission rate    To attain net-neutral cost-savings for the   It is vital that patients with
                                  from DM toward    full screening and management Scheme,   DM follow lifestyle
                                  prediabetes       remission rates must surpass 2.9%.   modification guidance to
                                  (Scenario analysis 1)                              achieve DM remission. If the
                                                                                     remission rate is too low,
                                                                                     there may not be cost-
                                                                                     savings to the health system.
                                  Cost of DM        If the cost of screening is raised to match   The Government and
                                  screening         the cost of attendance at a GOPC   purchasing authority should
                                  (Scenario analysis 2)  (HKD 445), the savings for the Scheme   work towards a lower cost of
                                                    decreases from 27.57% to 16.19%. There   screening within the private
                                                    will be no accrued savings if screening   sector to ensure long-term
                                                    costs surpass HKD 780 per person.  savings.

                                  Complication      •  If the effects of the RAMP    Providers should prioritise the
                                  rates and costs     management Scheme are muted and   prevention and delaying of
                                  (Scenario analysis 3)  rates of complication development   complication-onset to reduce
                                                      increase, the likely cost-savings will   hospital inpatient care
                                                      decrease.                      spending.
                                                    •  Conversely, if complication
                                                      development rates increase for all
                                                      patients between the Base Scenario
                                                      and Scenario 2, there is likely to be
                                                      greater savings.
                                                    •  At varying complication rates and
                                                      costs per patients, we achieve
                                                      different cost-savings, with net-neutral
                                                      savings at 7.0% complication rate and
                                                      HKD 200,000 per patient cost.
                                  Cost of           If the cost of RAMP increases from   For the Scheme
                                  implementing RAMP   HKD 244 to HKD 1,500, there are still   implementation, there is
                                  (Scenario analysis 4)  likely to be cost-savings to the health   greater flexibility in adjusting
                                                    system.                          the cost of RAMP to better
                                                                                     incentivise participation.
                                  Adding prediabetes   There remain cost savings over 20%,   The Government and
                                  management options   even when there are additional   purchasing authorities may
                                  (Scenario analysis 5)  prediabetes management options.   consider a more holistic
                                                                                     Scheme to aid in stronger
                                                                                     primary care uptake.
                                  Comparing         Total spending in our base case is lower   The Government and
                                  impact to Base    if no population-wide screening voucher   purchasing authorities should
                                  Scenario with     were implemented but all diagnosed   implementing a screening
                                  existing RAMP-DM   patients received RAMP-DM. This results   voucher to gain more benefits
                                  but without       in lower savings and fewer prevented   from early detection and
                                  screening (Scenario   mortalities.                 management of DM.
                                  analysis 6)
                                  Varying uptake rates   Total spending decreases when the   The Government and
                                  of Scheme         participation rate matches the EHCVS   purchasing authorities should
                                  participation     ever-use rate due to increases in   more strongly promote the
                                  (Scenario analysis 7)  mortality count. Nonetheless, the cost to   Scheme and work to increase
                                                    prevent one mortality increases,   participation in order to
                                                    suggesting that low initial participation   reduce negative effects of
                                                    makes the Scheme less cost-efficient.   insufficient screening and
                                                                                     management services.
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